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Properly indent page content rendered by the {% page %} twig tag

by mjauvin, last modified on April 17th, 2020

If you would like the rendered html page content to be properly indented, use the following in your plugin's registration file:

public function boot()
    \Event::listen('cms.page.render', function ($controller, $content) {
        $layout = $controller->getLayoutObject();
        $tabs = $layout->tabs ?: 4;
        $tabSize = $layout->tabSize ?: 4;

        $result = []; 
        $indentation = $tabs * $tabSize;
        foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $content) as $line) {
            $result[] = str_repeat(' ', $indentation) . $line;
        return implode("\n", $result);

You can override the number of tabs and tabSize within yout layout's onInit() function like this:

description = "Basic layout example"
public function onInit()
    $this['tabs'] = 2;
    $this['tabSize'] = 3;
<body style="height:100%; overflow-x:hidden">
    <div class="container-fluid px-0">
        {%~ page ~%}

Note: the "~" removes whitespaces but leaves new lines



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