Properly indent page content rendered by the {% page %} twig tag
If you would like the rendered html page content to be properly indented, use the following in your plugin's registration file:
public function boot()
\Event::listen('', function ($controller, $content) {
$layout = $controller->getLayoutObject();
$tabs = $layout->tabs ?: 4;
$tabSize = $layout->tabSize ?: 4;
$result = [];
$indentation = $tabs * $tabSize;
foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $content) as $line) {
$result[] = str_repeat(' ', $indentation) . $line;
return implode("\n", $result);
You can override the number of tabs and tabSize within yout layout's onInit() function like this:
description = "Basic layout example"
public function onInit()
$this['tabs'] = 2;
$this['tabSize'] = 3;
<body style="height:100%; overflow-x:hidden">
<div class="container-fluid px-0">
{%~ page ~%}
Note: the "~" removes whitespaces but leaves new lines
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