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Add links to Rich Editor search link section

by adam, last modified on July 7th, 2020

If you want to add links to the rich editor "choose link" section

The links will appear in this dropdown

In your plugin boot method add those two events.

Event::listen('backend.richeditor.listTypes', function () {
    return [
        'your_type' => 'Title',

Event::listen('backend.richeditor.getTypeInfo', function ($type) {
    if ($type === 'your_type') {
        return Model::getRichEditorTypeInfo($type);

In your model prepare the generate url logic.

public static function getRichEditorTypeInfo($type)
    if ($type == 'your_type') {
        $yourTypes = self::all();
        $selectOptions = [];  //array to populate with urls

        foreach ($yourTypes as $type) {
            $selectOptions['your url'] = [
                'title' => 'Your title',
                // 'items'=> additional items added as subsection

        return $selectOptions;

    return [];



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